That sounds cryptic. Let me explain.
Hilary asked me how I go about creating my layouts. I am not sure I came up with a convincing reply. I don't really have a set procedure, my layouts take shape as inspiration strike. Here's how one layout came about.
About 2 weeks ago, I was lying in bed trying to go to sleep (don't worry, this is not a bedroom story! ). Lucky him, he was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. My mind started wandering, I started thinking about the day's events. I usually get a comprehensive report from H as to what went on at school and today was no exception. He told me how they were researching interest rates and a home for their money for 2 years without exit penalty. Woo...I was impressed. He said they were going to do shares next. He was full of enthusiasm. Wouldn't that make a great LO ? So the next thing going through my mind is the LO. Though I didn't get very far ( I assume I was asleep very soon ), I thought about what I am going to say...something along the line of "you find maths tedious but as soon as they stuck a £ sign infront of the numbers, everything change.working on interest rates and shares really captured your imagination".
A couple of days later I was in PCWorld and saw a boxed software entitled, "I hate maths" where the word hate has been scribbled out and replaced with love. Right, perfect title for my layout too.
Last Saturday I was in the "new"
Anthropologie store on Regent Street in London. They had a sign by the till saying "Please queue here". Shame I haven't got a photo to share but I will attempt to describe it. It is made of a beige card, with a sheet of grid paper in the middle and a few strips of masking tapes going across the page. On the masking tape strips, they have "stamped" the words "Please queue here". And you know what, that became the basis of my layout.
On Monday, I went to pick up from school armed with my camera. I persuaded H to let me take a photo of him.
Yesterday I set about making this layout. I have rephrased the journalling a bit so I get to mention the positive (enthusiasm) before the negative (tedious). It is called "love maths". Otherwise, it is pretty much as I had seen in the stores and planned. I stamped "hate" on a strip of masking tape, scribbled out and wrote "love" instead. I have also used a sheet of square ruled paper.
And here it is. Funny how this layout is a result of a visit to 2 very different stores. You must think I am forever shopping ! How do you make yours ? What is the best place for inspiration ?