Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Festival of History

We were at Kelmarsh Hall for English Heritage's Festival of History. That was one amazing weekend, where 2000 years of history was brought to life by over 1000 "actors". It was a riot of action, colour, noise and excitement for the whole family! I was particularly thrill to have so much material to photograph.

First stop let me share a photo of J in Roman helmet. I think he looked really cute especially now that with the braces off, he smiles a lot more for photos.

Now, I can't resist these Romans. They look sooo amazing ( and alarming ) in their red red tunic and armour. I will definitely ran the other way if the opposition turns up dressed like this.
I didn't quite fill up my CF card this time but I have 230 photos taken. I won't be scrapping all of them ( phew, I hear you say! ) as I tend to only use about 10% of my photos. How about you ? Do you scrap all of them ?
I have also been busy scrapping. I will share those with you tomorrow.

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