I had the good fortune to be offered a place at a boarding school in Malaysia. I remember going there with my parents, driving up a long drive lined with pine trees, being greeted by a prefect and taken to see my CS.

I was there for five years and here is a photo of whole-of-year group, in our fifth form, taken in July 84. Some of us had red, marching band uniform, some in navy were the prefects and I was in pinafore, third row from the front, just behind a girl in red.
I don't remember a lot from my days there; some events I don't even recall until I later saw the photographic evidence!But I do remember the girls I was there with, some of them haven't changed one bit from my mental pictures.
I went to meet one who were visiting London some five years ago, and you know what, in the street, in Paddington, I knew it was her immediately. Some ten years ago, we were meeting a friend, we saw her walking in a very busy Tottenham Court Road and knew it was her.
They have been the most supportive life-long friends, I wish I was there, back home. I love you guys!
This is beautifully writtten. Love you too, dear friend...
happy 30th anniversary to my very first desk mate! Love you too friend
i totally agree with shaz. this is absolutely lovely. love you too.... -tone-
I love you too, Ifa & all of us. For me, being a part of 8084 is one of the greatest Blessings in my lifetime!
Paddington? :)
Thank you for the lovely write-up Ifa. My exact sentiments!
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